I made this script at the request of a colleague, who needed a quick way to remove the NXLOG-agent without having to resort to the management interface (which was unavailable).
<# .Description Script for the removal of the NXLOG agent without the use of the Nagios management interface. Current Version: 1.0 Changelog: ---------------- v1.0: First version, ready for use By: Stefan van Bruggen <info@svanbruggen.nl> For: de Koning B.V <svbruggen@koning-ict.nl #> ## Define the path where the key should be located and start a recursive search ## The script only looks for a registry key containing the right display name and publisher, and selects the LocalPackage property. $inst = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\* -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like 'NXLOG-CE' -and $_.Publisher -like 'nxsec.com' -and $_.Publisher -ne '' } | Select-Object LocalPackage -ExpandProperty LocalPackage ## Silent install of the package, required for the next step Start-Process $inst -arg '/q' -Wait ## Silent uninstall of the agent Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -arg "/X $inst /qn" -Wait
This script could also be modified quite easily to run on a remote computer by adding the following at the beginning of the script:
$PC='SRV-NAME-01' Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PC -ScriptBlock {
In this case, don’t forget to add a } in line 21.